Delve into the goals set by 50CAN and our passionate teams and celebrate the remarkable wins and milestones along the way. Discover how our dedication, innovative strategies, and relentless pursuit of change are making a real impact. Be part of our journey, as we share the stories of goals realized and victories that continue to drive education reform forward.
Goals & Wins
Today, JerseyCAN Executive Director Paula White stood alongside Governor Phil Murphy and Sen. Teresa Ruiz as the Governor signed a pair of bills aimed...
Today marks a monumental achievement for Louisiana as SB 313, a bill establishing the LA GATOR Scholarship Program, has successfully passed both the H...
Last year, the advocates of the 50CAN network achieved 30 policy victories aligned to Believe in Better, our vision for the future of American educati...
I am writing to share an exciting update from North Carolina where school choice is on the march. As you may know, our CarolinaCAN effort is led by an...
While the midterm elections provided a sort of release for the tension built up in the American political mind, they did not resolve the issues of edu...
Mahatma Gandhi once observed, “Truth never damages a cause that is just.” From our founding in 2011 through our campaigns over the last three year...
“It’s time for TISA,” TennesseeCAN Executive Director Victor Evans triumphantly declared from the steps of the Capitol in Nashville, following s...
If you read the news you’ve seen the same reports that I have: dramatic learning losses that risk setting back an entire generation, abrupt school c...
Last time I wrote to you at the start of summer, it was to announce the launch of our national Believe in Better policy framework. As the season ends,...
Today, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee passed its proposed budget for the 2021-2022 biennium. HB 6439 contains essential...
Georgia students with special needs and their families experienced a significant victory today. Legislation to expand educational options is now on it...
This year presents educators and advocates with an enormous opportunity to rebuild our country’s education system into a stronger and more effective...