Electoral Advocacy: Social Change Through Political Strategy
April 2023

Since first launching AdvocacyLabs as a joint initiative between FutureEd and 50CAN in 2019, we have marshaled insights from the best academic research on effective advocacy to answer the real-world questions advocacy leaders are asking themselves every day. Over the past four years we have highlighted more than one hundred research studies that make use of everything from qualitative analysis to experimental designs to social simulations with the goal of elevating insights that can give education advocates an edge in their work on behalf of the nation’s students.

In this latest report, we dive into the world of elections, drawing upon best-in-class research studies to answer many of the key questions advocates ask when considering how they can build more political clout to promote improvements in education.

This report asks and answers seven practical questions to help more education advocates become full participants in our democratic process.

More Publications

Ready For Change: An Education Survey of Virginia Voters

Ready For Change: An Education Survey of Virginia Voters

Moving the Needle

Moving the Needle

Reimagining K-12 Data Collection to Empower Parents

Reimagining K-12 Data Collection to Empower Parents

Tutoring is for the haves in America, but it could be so much more

Tutoring is for the haves in America, but it could be so much more

The State of Educational Opportunity in America: A 50-State Survey of 20,000 Parents

The State of Educational Opportunity in America: A 50-State Survey of 20,000 Parents

The AdvocacyLabs Guide to the Science of Advocacy

The AdvocacyLabs Guide to the Science of Advocacy

2024–2026 50CAN Strategic Plan

2024–2026 50CAN Strategic Plan

The Action is the Reaction: Community Organizing for Local Change

The Action is the Reaction: Community Organizing for Local Change

Change Agents: What Social Simulations Can Teach Public Policy Advocates

Change Agents: What Social Simulations Can Teach Public Policy Advocates

Electoral Advocacy: Social Change Through Political Strategy

Electoral Advocacy: Social Change Through Political Strategy

Federal Funding Forum Presentation Slides

Federal Funding Forum Presentation Slides

Maximizing the Impact of Federal K-12 Education Funding

Maximizing the Impact of Federal K-12 Education Funding

Tutoring as an Emergency Response and Recovery Strategy

Tutoring as an Emergency Response and Recovery Strategy

Goals, Strategies, Tactics, People and Money: Insights from a Decade of Education Advocacy

Goals, Strategies, Tactics, People and Money: Insights from a Decade of Education Advocacy

Measure Everything: Emergency Data Collection in a National Crisis

Measure Everything: Emergency Data Collection in a National Crisis

Fund Everything: Emergency Education Investments in a National Crisis

Fund Everything: Emergency Education Investments in a National Crisis

The AdvocacyLabs Interviews: Insights into Effective Advocacy from the Nation’s Leading Experts

The AdvocacyLabs Interviews: Insights into Effective Advocacy from the Nation’s Leading Experts

Experiments in Advocacy: What Works and Why

Experiments in Advocacy: What Works and Why

The 50CAN Guide to Political Advocacy

The 50CAN Guide to Political Advocacy

A Little Opposition is a Good Thing and Other Lessons from the Science of Advocacy

A Little Opposition is a Good Thing and Other Lessons from the Science of Advocacy

The 50CAN Guide to Building Advocacy Campaigns

The 50CAN Guide to Building Advocacy Campaigns

50CAN Strategic Plan: Four Million Opportunities, Four Big Bets

50CAN Strategic Plan: Four Million Opportunities, Four Big Bets

The Education Roadtrip

The Education Roadtrip

A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Full-Time Virtual Charter Public Schools

A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Full-Time Virtual Charter Public Schools

2014-2016 Prospectus

2014-2016 Prospectus

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