We created the guidebook for building advocacy campaigns to reduce the barriers for more people to get involved in education advocacy by sharing the system we use to build campaigns. But what if you are not just planning an advocacy campaign but working to build an enduring advocacy organization? One key element of your success will be a talent blueprint that helps guide the recruitment, training and development of great advocates at all levels of the organization.
Over the last several months we partnered with EdFuel and leaders in key education advocacy organizations— Democrats for Education Reform, PIE Network, StudentsFirst, Stand for Children, Tennessee SCORE and more—to create a blueprint that outlines all of the key skills, knowledge and abilities that are needed across an advocacy organization at the associate, manager, director and executive director level. This 12-page talent blueprint is being made public under the Create Commons license so anyone can take it, adapt it and improve it for use in their organization.
Download the Blueprint for Success Advocacy Map.
Inside the blueprint
The blueprint explores the talent needs of an advocacy organization across four levels of seniority in three key categories:
- Policy, research and government processes. Understanding the policies one would advocate for and the processes for getting those policies changed.
- Goal-setting, strategies and tactics. Knowing how to advocate for better policies through a defined advocacy framework and robust set of tactics.
- Relationship-building and mobilizing. Connecting with the team and network one needs to advocate.
A guide for personal growth
We hope the blueprint is not only helpful for the leaders of organizations but also for individuals looking to chart a path of personal growth. By providing a common set of expectations at each level, it can help you think about areas to focus on to be ready for the next step in your career.
The advocacy blueprint is one of eight blueprints developed in EdFuel’s Blueprint for Success initiative. We hope you find it helpful in your work and as always would love to hear from you about how you are using this resource and how we can learn from you to improve it in the future.