Cris Gulacy-Worrel is the Vice President of Advocacy and Development for Oakmont Education, an organization fully dedicated to career-technical education re-engagement for students who dropped out of high school. Cris has extensive experience in charter schools, as well as educational policy, finance, development, facilities, advocacy and administration. She worked in various capacities in the education sector, including at the Ohio Department of Education, where she specialized in charter school funding, education policy and legislation.
Cris brings a unique lens to her work and that’s a result of her own experiences and proximity to the issues that the communities and students she serves face every day. Her own personal story is why her purpose will always be aligned with historically excluded students and families, and she will ensure that they have access to diverse options that work for them and their unique life situations. Cris holds a deep desire to work on influencing and impacting change within the education sector through both policy and public/private partnerships that center communities and families at all times. She dedicated her life to furthering access to options that work best for historically excluded people and communities. She knows that without centering students, families and communities, there is no long-lasting impact, autonomy or ownership for the community, thus no success for anyone.
She is a lifelong resident of Ohio and has lived in the Columbus, Ohio area since 1998. She is a proud first-generation Cuban-American and also a first-generation college student and graduate, holding an MPA from Northwestern University. She lives in Powell, Ohio with her partner and three sons who span in age from middle school to college. In her “spare time,” Cris enjoys traveling with her family, watching Formula 1 racing, hiking and spending time with any cat that will give her attention.
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