Cassandra attended Spelman College where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She then continued to Georgia State University, where she received a master’s degree in Sports Management and Indiana Wesleyan University, where she earned a master’s degree in Management with a concentration in Human Resource and Professional Coaching certification. Cassandra has spent over a decade working in the nonprofit sector in youth programs, education and community engagement. She formerly served as the Community Engagement Manager K-12 Advocacy with UNCF (United Negro College Fund) and as a board member for Ignite Achievement Academy. She currently serves as the Manager of Community Outreach and Partnerships with Enroll Indy and an Adjunct Instructor at Ivy Tech Community College.
She believes her purpose in life is to uplift, inspire, motivate and encourage people. In 2018, she founded Crowned: A Queen’s Retreat, a women’s empowerment event designed to celebrate women of color. In 2017, she began co-hosting and producing The Conversation Lounge, an internet radio show and in 2019 launched a new radio show/podcast, entitled Let’s Go There with Cassandra. In May of 2019, Cassandra was a featured speaker for TEDx HobartHighSchool presents “Hardwired for Humanity: Leveraging Technology for Human Progression.”