The State of Educational Opportunity in America

A 50-State Survey of 20,000 Parents

The “State of Educational Opportunity in America: A Survey of 20,000 parents” is a new 50-state study from 50CAN and Edge Research, offering an unprecedented, state-by-state examination of the current education landscape and what is important to parents.

The 200-page report is available for download in full and by question or state.

* For optimal performance, we recommend accessing the Data Explorer on a desktop or laptop using a non-Safari browser.

Individual Sections

Download by Question:
Education Opportunity Survey By Questions MOBILE (#16)
Download by State:
Education Opportunity Survey by State MOBILE (#15)

Accompanying Resources

The full data from the survey is available for decision-makers, elected officials, families and the broader public. Below, you can download the survey questionnaire, the methodology, and the topline data. If you would like the full dataset, please complete the form below.

Request Full Dataset

Education Opportunity Survey Data File Request

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Samantha Kobbah

Chief of Staff, 50CAN

Contact Samantha

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